Mon 27 Jan
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$40 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
*~ FuLLy NuDe SeNsUaL MaSsAgE WiTh ViCtOrIa *~ SpEcIaLs*~ - 22
(Madison, Madison East and surrounding areas)
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$80 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
Comfortable Sessions with Lasting Impression!! Incalls/Outcalls - 25
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
Stressed? I'd love to help you relax? ~Great Massages from SEXY Latina~ - 23
(Madison and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
5★★★★★ FIRST ✈CLASS✈ Uρѕ¢αℓє єχσтι¢ BLONDE *** OUT CALL ONLY - 26
(Madison, madison / dells and surrounding areas)
Comfortable Sessions with Lasting Impression!! Incalls/Outcalls - 25
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
6 PaCk Body 2 BODY Massages *** Thursday 50$ Special *** 608. 556. 7619 - 22
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
***!!Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$!!*** $$50 SPeCiaL!! New Pics!! 4 HanDs SpeCiaL !!!*** - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
*~ FuLLy NuDe SeNsUaL MaSsAgE WiTh ViCtOrIa *~ SpEcIaLs*~ - 22
(Madison, Madison East and surrounding areas)
Jazelle💦💧💦💧💦Slippery when W E T💦💧💦💧💦 470-673-6701💦💧💦💧 special - 26
(Janesville, Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$80 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
I'm great with my Hands available 24/7 New number - 24
(In/out Madison and surrounding areas, Madison)
Tue 07 Jan
* MaDiSoN's HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD ViCtOrIaN MaSSaGe EaSt SiDe InCaLL SpeCiAls * - 21
(Madison East and surrounding areas)
* ::: * ::: * FRIDAY NIGHT FIRE * ::: * ::: * !!! (Highly Reviewed) Victoria's Sexy Sessions - 22
(Madison, madison east and surrounding areas)
+++ AvAilable NOW !!! ( 10:15 p.m. Friday Nite ) 608. 556. 8619 +++ - 22
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
Stressed? I'd love to help you relax? ~Great Massages from SEXY Latina~ - 23
(Madison and Surrounding Areas)
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$50 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
Mon 06 Jan
* MaDiSoN's HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD ViCtOrIaN MaSSaGe EaSt SiDe InCaLL SpeCiAls * - 21
(Madison East and surrounding areas)
***!!Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$!!*** $$50 SPeCiaL!! New Pics!! 4 HanDs SpeCiaL !!!*** - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
5★★★★★ FIRST ✈CLASS✈ Uρѕ¢αℓє єχσтι¢ BLONDE *** OUT CALL ONLY - 26
(Madison, madison / dells and surrounding areas)
★WISC. Dells/Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
Sun 05 Jan
Jazelle💦💧💦💧💦Slippery when W E T💦💧💦💧💦 470-673-6701💦💧💦💧 special - 26
(Janesville, Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
* ::: * ::: * FRIDAY NIGHT FIRE * ::: * ::: * !!! (Highly Reviewed) Victoria's Sexy Sessions - 22
(Madison, madison east and surrounding areas)
+++ AvAilable NOW !!! ( 10:15 p.m. Friday Nite ) 608. 556. 8619 +++ - 22
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$50 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$40 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
★Incall WISC. Dells/Outcall Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
★WISC. Dells/Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
Sat 04 Jan
I'm great with my Hands available 24/7 New number - 24
(In/out Madison and surrounding areas, Madison)
6 PaCk Body 2 BODY Massages *** Thursday 50$ Special *** 608. 556. 7619 - 22
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
★Incall WISC. Dells/Outcall Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
* * * Victoria's Sexy Secret ~ The #1 Fully Nude Massage Therapist in Madison !!! * * * - 22
(Madison, madison east and surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan