Mon 27 Jan
😘😘In and outs 😘😘Kori Exotic Italian Mix Let me catch your blessing 😏😋 - 18
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
* Erotic , slim , seductive , brunette beauty * specials * - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
Blonde Playmate $80 in call special (out) all surround areas - 25
(Madison, madison , dells , columbia & surround)
💎🔥🍒Always AVAILABLE, OUTCALLs only, CALL me now NEW #5613769069 The real deal 1000%real🍒🔥💎 - 24
(Milwaukee, Milwaukee, outcall lake geneva all areas)
Sweet n Sexy!!! The One N Only SARAH Very Exotic Beauty * Specials On OUT - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
* The 1 N Only Miss Sarah * New Bag Of Toys * Hot N Sexy Brunette * IN/OUT - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
SuPeR SeXy and GLowiNg........ in town short time incall and outcall - 23
(Madison, east madison and surrounding)
Hot Tan Blonde Up All Night Ready 2 Play ..(out) All Surrounding Areas - 26
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
😘😘In and outs 😘😘Kori Exotic Italian Mix Let me catch your blessing 😏😋 - 18
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
100% 100% Hot , Erotic Tan Brunette * Specials * - 28
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
Sun 12 Jan
*** Sexy Brunette *** in/out // up late *** Best In Mid West - 21
(Madison, Madison/ surrounding aread / WI Dells)
Sat 11 Jan
Upscale Love Jada ❤️️786.630.5730 Available Now, Your Place?👠 - 20
(Janesville, Madison, Madison and surrounding IN/Out)
Playful , Sweet , Very Exotic Beauty * ! Specilas* - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
Fri 10 Jan
*ஐ *S_E_X_Y* ஐ* G_I_R_L * ஐ* _N_E_X_T* ஐ*D_O_O_R leaving soon dont miss out - 20
(Incalls west side/outcalls all over)
Buy 1 Girl Get The 2nd Free ...Toys ..With Play & More ...Up All Night - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
[×°★°× :: EURO :: ×°★°×] ___ {{ BLONDE }} ___ [×°★°× ::OUTCALLs:: ×° ★°×] - 21
Thu 09 Jan
* seductive *sweet and petite * tabitha in madison wants to play incall/outcall 100 150 hr - 22
(Madison, madison / dells and alsurrounding areas)
Freaky🍬 Treats 💦 Outcall Special 414 628-9483 - 25
(Kenosha / Racine, Milwaukee, All surrounding Areas)
*¨¨* MiaMi'S * SiCiLiaN * BoMBSHeLL ! *¨¨* RuNNiNG * uNBeLieVaBLe * SPeCiaLS ! *¨¨* - 22
Wed 08 Jan
*Blonde Hottie ***outcall all surrounding areas*** Up All Night ! - 26
(Madison, madison ,all surrounding areas)
Click Here---> Get a Defibrillator because this is a HEART STOPPING EXPIERENCE !!! - 24
(Madison East Incall/Outcall)
cLiCk HERE fOr ThE hOtTeSt ThIcK cHiCk ArOuNd! CRYSTAL *$* Madison's #1 Sexiest BBW! - 25
(Madison, Madison and surrounding)
[×°★°× :: EURO :: ×°★°×] ___ {{ BLONDE }} ___ [×°★°× ::OUTCALLs:: ×° ★°×] - 21
Tue 07 Jan
•°•°•°• SMILES On A Dial •°•°•°• «Only Visiting» - 23
(Madison, Mad.Jnsvl.Beloit.WhiteW.surroundingOUT)
Exotic Sweetness Ebony Treat !!Very Cute and PeTITe!!! OutCall Avail - 21
(Madison, Madison wi(ReadAd))
(( H )) (( O )) (( T )) (( T )) (( i )) (( E )) *** Up Late ** in & out mad & surrrounding areas - 25
(Madison, madison , dells , columbia)
***** $75. till midnight in call only ******outcall all surrounding areas - 26
(Madison, madison ,all surrounding areas)
cLiCk HERE fOr ThE hOtTeSt ThIcK cHiCk ArOuNd! CRYSTAL *$* Madison's #1 Sexiest BBW! - 25
(Madison, Madison and surrounding)
100% 100% Hot , Erotic Tan Brunette * Specials * - 25
(Madison, mad , columbia ,dodgeville all surr)
Mon 06 Jan