Fri 10 Jan
NEW Addictive #1 Best In Town- Upscale Provider! Thick BBw Blue Eyed Blondie! 😘😘💋💎👑 - 18
(Madison, Madison East)
**New Pics !!** ~ Blue-eyed Blonde~ *♡*LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle! *♡*Unbeatable Donation Rates!!!** - 40
(Madison, East Madison)
{{ Brooklyn & Tyra's Private Pleasures }} * Wanna meet the girl of your dreams in person? * - 26
(East & West - in/out call)
(------- BuStY BlOnDe-------) (------- HiGhLy SkiLLeD -------) (------ SpEciALs ALL NiGhT! ------) - 19
(AvAiLbLe NoW!!..........InCaLl / OuTcAlL)
☰ ____ *=B L O N D E=* ____ *=P L A T i N U M=* ____ *=B O M B S H E L L=* ____ ☰ - 21
**Cool off w/ me!! Blue-eyed Blonde~ *♡*LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle! *♡*Unbeatable Donation Rates!!!** - 40
(East Madison, Madison)
Pent up frustration, let me ease that tension :-) Verified & Safe! $100 Location with a shower & A/C - 32
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison Outcalls all Day♥♥♥ - 23
(Madison, Madison Outcalls)
❤SeXY CoLoMBiAN Ready 4 U 100% ReAL PiX JESSiCA AM HeRe 1 WeeK ONLY With My GF STePHaNiE❤ - 18
(Madison, I-90/94,Exit 135A E. Washington/HWY 151)
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison Outcalls all Day♥♥♥ - 23
(Madison, Madison Outcalls)
Madisons' Exclusive RedHead * Lets ·S·T·O·P· wasting time !! - 43
(IN, dwntown Madison / local OUT avail, Madison)
»-(-★-)-» CuM pLaY wItH mE bAbY i'm ALL WET!!! Dripping Wet N very Naughty ★ 75 HH - 24
(East Madison)
*@! Up Early Like Your Friend In Your PANTS.... $$120$$ In/call .. *@! - 22
(Right Of The Betline... SouthEast)
%#%# DONT *~* LET *~* IT *~* HAPPEN *~* TO *~* YOU!! %# ~~ Incall Specials Until 11pm! - 28
° ° 2 Girl Specials Call Us Now ° ° Ready Now ° ° 100% Real Pics ° - 20
Thu 09 Jan
%#%#%# RAINY *~* DAY *~* SPECIALS!! %#%# ONLY *~* 1 *~* WEEK *~* LEFT!!! %#%# - 26
(Madison and surrounding)
SeXy & NauGty * ✨ * 💎 * LebAneSe & ItAliatN * ✨* 💎 * little taste of CREAM 70 hhr - 26
(Incall, Madison)
Warning.. Tempting Temptation 🍒 NONE LIKE ME BABY 36DFit Beauty💋 Verified & Reviewed💄 ✔💋 - 25
❤❤🔲❤🔲❤ 🔲❤🔲❤🔲❤🔲❤🔲 ❤🔲❤❤🔲❤🔲❤ JUST IN! NEW PICS! BUSTY BROWN BEAUTY! ❤🔲❤🔲❤ ❤❤🔲❤🔲 - 35
(Madison, MADISON. MILWAUKEE, Milwaukee)
the *A*M*A*Z*I*N*G* petite redhead, Mz. VENUS (Updated photos) last nite here 4/wk - 42
(Madison, Scl/Prvt Rendezvous~ In or Outcall Avail)
Madison's best kept secret. $100 (MON) 3p-9p Happy holidays! - 35
(12/18, between Broadway & Rimrock SE, Madison)
____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___speci alsnow - 22
NEW to the WEST!!!Cassie Sweet... Beautiful.... Bouncy... Babe!!! NEW Pics!!! - 38
(E. madison in or out)
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison East Incalls all Day♥♥♥ - 25
(Madison, Madison East incall)
♥♥♥ Beautiful Classy Petite Sweetheart :) Madison East Incall♥♥♥ NEW PICS!!!! - 25
(Madison, Madison Incall)
$60-$80 Special!!!lThick Goddess 👑💋Better Than The Rest !💋👑💎THE ULTIMATE BBW TREAT!!! - 19
(Madison, Madison East)
%%%### ALWAYS 100% REAL Pics! *~*~* GUARANTEED NO Upselling! *~*~* Satisfaction GUARANTEED!! ##%%% - 26
$80 Specials! ♥ ° tOP NoTCH PeRFECTiON ° ☰ ° Flawless BBW CuTiE °° ♥ - 24
(E madison in or out)
New Girl Arrived •★• (608)628-0645 ❤•★•° ❤ Asian Massage Therapy ❤•★•° ❤ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
New Open •★• (608)628-0645 ❤•★•° ❤ Asian Massage Therapy ❤•★•° ❤ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
NEW GIRL *** "T H I C K "N" E S S" "SEXY" "N" ----- (((( sexy )))$ 80 incall specials - 18
◄▬►# ❶ PLAYMATE O n ThE L o O s E ----► W i L d NiTe DiRtY fUn SpAnK ME!! ◄▬ IvE BeEn ReaLLy BaDD - 25
(Madison, OUTCALLS ONLY ☎(414)344-8330 THIS WKND)
▐ ▐ ►❤SeXY CoLoMBiAN Ready 4 U 100% ReAL PiX JESSiCA AM HeRe LAST 2 DAYS With My GF STePHaNiE❤▐ ▐ ► - 18
(Madison, I-90/94,Exit 135A E. Washington/HWY 151)
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘CLICK HERE ✘ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ MERCADES IS AVAILABLE NOW ✘▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 21
(Madison, ____West Madison Incall & Outcall___)
%#%# DONT *~* LET *~* IT *~* HAPPEN *~* TO *~* YOU!! %# ~~The ONLY Photo Verified in Madison!! ~~ - 28
—— ★DING!! ★DING!! ★DING!! —— ★ (((((((((( J A C K P O T )))))))))) ★ **: ★ :YouR A WINNER! - 20
»-(-★-)-» CuM pLaY wItH mE bAbY i'm ALL WET!!! Dripping Wet N very Naughty ★ 75 HH - 24
(East Madison)
Wed 08 Jan