Mon 27 Jan
New Young Skilled TherapistCell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology Massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
💢 Here Jst 4 U 💢 come £Njoy💦 ' What U Desreve 😏💫 JUST Sit Back &Let; Me Do The Work 😘 - 20
(E. Washington, Madison)
Grand opening!!!!Body relaxation!!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 43
(East Madison,By E Washington ,Klinke, Madison)
Sun 12 Jan
——★★★VERY !NICE Sweet ASIAN Massage 💋 608-338-6602 💋 -Relax Massage ★★★—— - 24
(4429, Milwaukee,st Madison, Madison)
Sat 11 Jan
~~~~~ New Grand Opening ~~~ Reflexology Station & Asian Massage~~~ 608 - 320 - 9665 ~~~ - 22
(Madison, McFarland, WI)
*See Why My hands are Demanded!~ I am The Best* *$85 incallSpecials* - 19
(Madison, Wi (Incall&Outcall;) ~*Call Me*~)
"Feather Touch Sensual Finger Nail " Tease." Open Until 10 pm - 33
(Madison, West Milwaukee, 5 min E of Mayfair Road)
02/16 New Girls Arrived ★ Relax your mind and body ► Best Asian massage - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
🌼🌹New Asian Massage will be open on Jan 9th❤️ - 26
(Madison, 3511 E Washington Ave Madison WI 53704)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
║🌇║║🌇 ▃VERY !NICE!Sweet Asian massage║║🌇║║ Free table shower★=608-338-6602║║🌇║║ - 24
(4429, Milwaukee,st Madison WI, Madison)
Grand opening!!!!Body relaxation!!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 43
(East Madison,By E Washington ,Klinke, Madison)
Cell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology !!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
SWEET __ S E X Y – A S I A N _ G I R L —LIMITED TIME ONLY —- N E W __ IN __T O W N = 608-381-4550~~ - 21
(Madison, Middleton)
💢 Here Jst 4 U 💢 come £Njoy💦 ' What U Desreve 😏💫 JUST Sit Back &Let; Me Do The Work 😘 - 20
(E. Washington, Madison)
Professional Gentlemans Erotic Tryst - Holiday MILF Treat coming your way soon - Pre-Book/Screen NOW - 42
(1st Visit to Madison SOON, Madison)
New Young Skilled TherapistCell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology Massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
Mon 06 Jan
Professional Gentlemans Erotic Tryst - Holiday MILF Treat coming your way soon - Pre-Book/Screen NOW - 42
(1st Visit to Madison SOON, Madison)
★WISC. Dells/Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
🌼🌹New Asian Massage will be open on Jan 9th❤️ - 26
(Madison, 3511 E Washington Ave Madison WI 53704)
——★★★VERY !NICE Sweet ASIAN Massage 💋 608-338-6602 💋 -Relax Massage ★★★—— - 24
(4429, Milwaukee,st Madison WI, Madison)
*See Why My hands are Demanded!~ I am The Best* *$100 incallSpecials* - 19
(Madison, Madison (Incall and Outcall))
Sun 05 Jan
Cell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology !!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
——★★★VERY !NICE Sweet ASIAN Massage 💋 608-338-6602 💋 -Relax Massage ★★★—— - 24
(4429, Milwaukee,st Madison WI, Madison)
Young Skilled MasseuseCell 608-298-7234 BOBY Relaxation &FOOT; Reflexology !!!! Asian massage!!!!! - 88
(1732Thierer Rd E Madison By E Washington, Madison)
**NEW** Mature Cougar For your Endless Pleasure - Visiting your area - New Selfies - 42
(Madison, Milwaukee, PreBooking 1st VISIT Milwaukee/Madison)
★Incall WISC. Dells/Outcall Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
★WISC. Dells/Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)
The Best Massage you could ever have~Like no1 lse* Relax the Right Way! Morning Specials! - 19
(Madison, Madison (Incall and Outcall))
Sat 04 Jan
║🌇║║🌇 ▃VERY !NICE!Sweet Asian massage║║🌇║║ Free table shower★=608-338-6602║║🌇║║ - 24
(4429, Milwaukee,st Madison WI, Madison)
02/16 New Girls Arrived ★ Relax your mind and body ► Best Asian massage - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
★Incall WISC. Dells/Outcall Madison ★ __❤ G Ø R G € Ø U S ❤__I N D E P E N D E N T ❤__ BLONDE ♥ - 24
(Madison, Madison and surrounding areas)