Mon 27 Jan
l *((ALERT)) _ ___((CAUTION)) __ ___((ALERT)) ====== {{}}== ===== {{RARE}}== {{TREAT}} - 20
(Madison, outcalls608_520_3944)
.I Pl@Y well W/ Others!! Freaky Tre@t!!...Mahogany's here!!! 1 day only! $80 Specials!!!! - 25
(Madison, Madison area east)
It's Football Season! Are YOU Looking to Score Big Time? Zan is the Zen of FB 🏈 - 29
(Madison, Madison East In/Out)
✪✪✪ L_E_T_ ✪ _M_E_ ✪ _T_A_K_E _ ✪ Y_O_U_R_ ✪ _B_R_E_A_T_H_ ✪ _A_W_A_Y ✪✪✪ - 21
(Madison, Out Calls Only (Madison))
§ Im The *{REaL DeAL}* Specials all Day *{DoNt MiSs}* § - 22
(Madison, East ~ stoughton rd. (in/out))
iF sHeS GOoD....iM BeTTeR ~~ H Ѽ R ° HaN ° ѼuR ° Â V R Â G ° BBW - 24
(EAST madison In or out)
In call at night 4 once! Call now! Cumon over 4amazing time 6zero833four-two56one - 25
(Madison, Madison~west, safe, secure, & discreet)
In/0uT ☆PaRTy GiRL%100 ReAL☆●☆ToP oFF SL0bb€r SpcL☆●☆ Co-eD BoMBShELL!!!!!! 4one4933six3six8 - 20
!$$ HOLIDAY SPECIALS,$$ Lovable, $100, Sweet, Compassionate, and Ready!! Outstanding Also 2 girls - 23
(Madison, Madison,wis Dells, surr areas in/out cal)
$ Happy Holidays $ Its time for you to relax.. And let me spoil You.....riday spec¡als - 24
(Madison, madison incall..)
Guaranteed 2 get 2 ...first , 2nd , and 3rd Base With Me ! {{{ Great Specials Today }}} - 27
* FREAKY Bombshell Cutie* PeRky TiTs *TIGHT bOdy * DoWN-To-EaRTh * Super Sweet * - 20
(Incall East/ Outcall, Madison)
♥ « === GORGEOUS Curvy BRUNETTE ♥ « === Available TODAY! ♥ « ===
(EAST SIDE!!!!!**(SAFE)**EAST SIDE!!!!!)
💋💋💋Honey💋💋💋Upscale; Clean; & Discreet: Early bird & Late night specials - 21
(East Madison In & Out Calls, Madison)
~HONEY SO SWEET~Upscale, Descrete $80 Holiday Special's~ - 21
(Madison, East Side Madison In and Out Calls)
GINA'S SERVICES CAN'T BE COMPARED TO!! >->- XTREMELY - -Erotic - - FULL- - Body- - Massages!
Extremely flexible come have a good time Cookiered 2629936191 - 28
(East madison/in calls available, Madison)
~ Emerce Yourself in Me! ~Bliss, Exstasy & Pure Satisfaction!~ *{Highly Reviewed & UP EARLY!!} * - 27
(Madison, { East Side!! } *IN Call Avail Only!*)
::Ebony ::Barbie Doll "Lexi Lex Freaky Life Size Barbie" Waitin On Her Ken!! - 22
(In/Out>>>>>>>>t In/East)
Early Bird Specials .... The Ultimate Experience .....Toys , Porn , & More ***** Five Star Service - 27
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison East Incall♥♥♥ - 23
(Madison, Madison East incall)
♥♥♥ Beautiful Classy Petite Sweetheart :) Madison East Incall♥♥♥ - 25
(Madison, Madison East Incall)
Beauty Brains And Booty on Duty! ♥ Black Indian Doll available today«╝ «╝ - 21
(East Madison. In/out, Madison)