Wed 08 Jan
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$80 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
Tue 07 Jan
* MaDiSoN's HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD ViCtOrIaN MaSSaGe EaSt SiDe InCaLL SpeCiAls * - 21
(Madison East and surrounding areas)
N E E D * A * S P E C T A C U L A R *BODY * R U B * ( Now Ready IN quiet,safe) - 21
(Madison, east massage spls)
Exotic Non_Rush Full Body Massages .............. 80$ 80$ 80$ 80$ - 21
* ::: * ::: * FRIDAY NIGHT FIRE * ::: * ::: * !!! (Highly Reviewed) Victoria's Sexy Sessions - 22
(Madison, madison east and surrounding areas)
*::: * ::: * Victoria's EARLY BIRD ~100$ Incall Special :) * ::: * ::: * NEW PICs - 22
(Madison, Madison east)
07/15 New Girl Arrived •★• (608)628-0645 ❤•★•° ❤ Asian Massage Therapy ❤•★•° ❤ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
~Be$t Massage Ever~ @_@ $PECI@LS TODAY ONLY*~ offer ends after lunch! - 22
(Madison, madison {East!})
*{Brooklyn's Private Pleasures}* ~ *The Best Massage Sessions In Madison!* ~(Highly Reviewed!!) - 27
(Madison, { East Side!! } IN&OUT; up early& late!)
❀ *!* Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$ ❀ *!* $$50 SPeCiaL! ❀ *!* New Pics!! ❀ * - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
Hot *¨¨*-:¦:-* F lawless _-:¦:-_ P erfection *¨¨*-:¦:-* 80$ SPECIAL!! CALL NOW - 21
Mon 06 Jan
* MaDiSoN's HiGhLy ReQuEsTeD ViCtOrIaN MaSSaGe EaSt SiDe InCaLL SpeCiAls * - 21
(Madison East and surrounding areas)
***!!Sen$UaL SuMMeR Se$$ion$!!*** $$50 SPeCiaL!! New Pics!! 4 HanDs SpeCiaL !!!*** - 20
(East Madison and Surrounding Areas)
o°♥o° °o° $$ S P E C I A L S! H O T. E B O N Y°o° °o♥ C A L L. N O W - 21
ComeGet InSumN *Young& *2Nite*! MyGoal Is2Keep U *Runnin* Back4 More*! SatisfyUr *Hunger*! - 23
(Madison, North east madison)