Tue 07 Jan
BIANCA Sexy Exotic ..sweet latina baby doll 100% me - 24
(Madison, madison.wisdellsportge stevenpointoskosh)
__NOW HIRING _ELITE UPSCALE ESCORT AGENCY........ Transportation and Accommodation on US
(Various Cities Across the United States)
❄👯 Dont Miss SnowBunny $100 Specials -Today Only ! ❄👯 Allesandra💦 (In &Outcalls;) - 20
(Madison, Madison Wi)
{{Brooklyn }} I'll B Ur Dirty Lil Secret ((Upscale Location- EAST)) Specials All Week dont miss out! - 25
**##@Your #1 Provider KLASSY KITTENZ###@@@ 779*772*5104( OR )608*622*2010 - 23
Mon 06 Jan
(((OuTcALL))) REGULARS tonight's YoUr night! NeW clients inquire 4 SpEciALs - 29
(east side in and outcall, Madison)
OutCALL tomorrow! Tues - ask about my SPECIAL treatment! Driving through MADISON - book 2 pm - 4 pm! - 23
(Madison, Madison Outcall ONly)
new pics■¤▪ 1,2,3 BaBy RoCk with Me 4,5,6 I'll Be YoUr MaGiCaL FiX ▪¤■ 2 girl - 29
(east side, Madison)
NOW ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS!! $100 Special. Madison's #1 Provider, Click 4 details!! - 23
(.)(.) Beautiful Brunette DDs (.)(.) in/out call surrounding areas (.)(.) - 22
(Madison, Madison/ surrounding aread / WI Dells)
»-♥-» SwEeT & PeTiTe ★°•. ToNeD TuMmY & JuIcY BooTY .• »-♥-» 100 HuG$&kIssE;$ - 20
(Madison, INCALL Safe Discreet Upscale)
** Layla ** EXTREME BEAUTY ** AMAZING Skills ** Extremely ADDICTIVE ** HIGHLY Reviewed ** - 34
(Madison, Madison/ Surrounding Areas)
♥° I °** L♥Ve White Boys ** Come Get Sum Color in Your Life - 21
(Visiting^Limited Availabilty)
*..* I make You dot... *..* Highly Reviewed*..* Lexi *Star* THURSDAY TIL SUNDAY NITE!!! - 22
(Madison/Surrounding Area's)
(.)(.) Beautiful Brunette DDs (.)(.) in/out call surrounding areas (.)(.) - 22
(Madison, Madison/ surrounding aread / WI Dells)
{{{ Brooklyn }}} ~ * Ill * B * Ur * Dirty * Lil * Secret * ~ ((( NEW UPSCALE LOCATION -EAST!! ))) - 25
(madison east)
*~*~*4 HANDS Are Better Than 2 - Hot New Latina & Sexy Lady~*~*~23/35 West) Friday& Sat - 35
Girls, for a GOOD TIME in the PORN INDUSTRY, call or text Julia 786-226-6139
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
ModelOffersNow .Com/ Adult Talent Search/ SEXY/ Implied/ $2000aWK starting NOW! - 25
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
Madison Strippers Bachelor Party Dancers 612-940-2828 Escorts Strippers Stag Wi Hiring Big $ A-A1 #1 - 18
(Madison Wi #1 Agency A-A1 Perfect 10 Wi)
______ HOT ITALIAN /mix _____ 36 DD _____ GFE ______ SPECIALS ______ NEW PICS_______
(east *in/out*local madison)
Buy Santa And Her Elf Comes 4 FREE ( new pics) Come c What Santa's Helpers Can Do 4 you - 27
{{Brooklyn }} **SEE *ME* BEFORE *MY* BIRTHDAY *VACATION** ((New Upscale Location- EAST))-NEW PICS!! - 25
@* Your Host*@ Lexi.. Welcome To The Price i$ Right @* >>>>>> Click Me
(Madison...Will Travel 35min notice • Post ID: 3065745)
Sun 05 Jan
☆ Upscale Beauty" ANDREA DAVIS" Visiting Nov. 4th thru 6th! PRE-BOOK NOW! Well Reviewed! - 24
@* Your Host*@ Lexi.. Welcome To The Price i$ Right @* >>>>>> Click Me
(Madison...Will Travel 35min notice • Post ID: 3065745)
***** ( ( ( Highly Reviewed Jessica! ) ) ) "It does NOT get any better then this!"***** - 25
(OUT/IN Madison & Areas.)
$ Happy Holidays $ Its time for you to relax.. And let me spoil You.....riday spec¡als - 24
(Madison, madison incall..)
{{Brooklyn }} I'll B Ur Dirty Lil Secret ((Upscale Location- EAST)) Specials All Week dont miss out! - 25
{{Brooklyn }} **SEE *ME* BEFORE *MY* BIRTHDAY *VACATION** ((New Upscale Location- EAST))-NEW PICS!! - 25
CALL ME!! "HERE ---- KIDDIE ----- KIDDIE ----- KIDDIE" ......... K . K I D D I E - 23
Blonde Playmate $80 in call special (out) avail.in all surround areas - 25
(Madison, madison , dells , columbia & surround)
JAZZs back by *POPULAR* Demand easter Specials - 22
(Madison, Madison Wisconsin dells and surrounding)
*~ FANTASTIC Rub Down!!! The BEST, Let ME Prove It!!~*~WEEKEND SPECIAL!!! Madison West - 35
Get a good night's sleep/NO $ WORRIES- girls of all shapes and sizes wanted for LOCAL WI modeling! - 99
(Madison, WI)
Sat 04 Jan