Mon 06 Jan
:-) :-) :-) Belle :-) :-) Tiny Nubian Sensation :-) 70$ $pecials ! ! ( 641 ) 295 6950 - 19
(Madison, Madison eastside)
(* 1OO% ReAL PiCs *) * * PLAYMATE * * (*WeLL ((ReViEwEd)) BLoNdE*)) - 30
(Madison, _____**-_-**1oo specials all day **-_-**)
🍯ŠwëëT H🐝ñĖÿ Bëë LËÅH🍯 1øø% RëãL PhøtøS🍯 BUSTY🌟 SérVìcE LëâVė Û WänTìñG MõRè🍯 LaSt Day iN ToWN - 25
(Madison, Madison East Incall Only)
Your★Fun★Bite★Size★Candy Mmm good - 23
(Eau Claire, In/Out Surrounding Allurareas Mmm good, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee)
Little💋Miss💋💋Bombshell 💋💋 Blond Brittany💋💋Waiting2Play 💋💋💋Ur Kinky & Bubbly Secret🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 24
💋💋 Monday specail $100 brittany sexy blonde love to cuddle& kiss 💋💋 Fetishes 2Girlz & More😘 - 24
(Madison, West Middleton ext 251a beltline)
~ London's ~ Bridge ~ Isn't ~ Fallen ~ Down ~ She ~ Only ~ Stands ~ Taller !! ~ - 28
***▓A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ▓ *** Outcall Specials - 23
(Madison, madison and surrounding areas)
36DD-25-36 $200 hr SHORT DRESS & HEELS! CALL NOW sweet, seductive, sexy!call 4 special! - 22
08/05 New Girl ★ The most relaxation massage ★ 608-628-0645 ★ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
Sun 05 Jan
Tired of disappointment, I am always a pleasant surprise. $100 before 6pm.! - 30
(Madison, Madison-WEST)
°° PLE@iiNG Y0U iiZ MY PLËaSURE B0N¥ {{BOMBSHEll}} H0Ť !!! °° - 19
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) GoRgEoUs _ ExXxotic _ PlayMate (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸. '´¯) Sexy & Erotic!!! - 23
(In and Out ALL Over)
*Brooklyn Will B Leaving Soon {June 8th} So Make Your Appointments Now B4 Its 2 Late!!! - 27
(Madison, FITCHBURG In&Out; {No Hotels!!})
BLONDe * --- ( 414*255*5995 ) ---- * PLAYMATe :::::: KuM GeT Me :::::: %100 G.F.E
((EAST) 414*255*9559 (WEST))
{{ Brooklyn }} * (( In a class above the rest )) * {{ become a fan club member now!!! }}< - 26
(MADISON EAST- upscale location)
Available now.cum😋enjoy Saturday's sloppy top $40 special @608*234*3146 - 30
(East side off e.wash ave. New location., Madison)
** Beautiful~ Mature~Blue-eyed~ Blonde!!** LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle!!! ** Unbeatable Donation Rates!!** - 40
(Madison, east madison)
👉 TAP HERE 👈☆REAL & EXOTIC! Perfect Provider! Genie in a bottle! Ur wish is my Command!☎ 2178318 - 23
(Madison, Eastside In My BED 💦💦🔥🔥)
SPCIAL ► FoRGT ORDiNaRy ★ ★ ★ I'M xTRaoRDiNaRy ((*LiMiTeD TiMe*)) - 22
(Madison, incall // $200HR CALL ME NOW*)
Sophisticated Petite RedHead ◆ Classy Upscale Companion ◆ Limited Availability ◆ - 43
(Madison, Private Incall / local Outcall avail)
SPECIALS $70! Sweet sexy seductive and smart?!? Guarenteed Satisfaction!!! 424-216-1474 - 23
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (E)(L)(I)(T)(E) (-ViXxXeN-) °Visiting 5/24-5/26!!! - 22
(Madison Incall)
$60 Specials))) "Blasting AC"------ Freaky Redd (full figured) LETS GET DOWN & DIRTY!! 608) 609-4661 - 25
(Madison, MADISON (608) 609-4661 incall & out)
__100% R E A L__· ° .· °· .__B E A U T Y & S K I L L S__·° · . ·° .· [[·*+FiLiPPiNa DrEaM+*·]] - 21
(Milwaukee, in-airport/out-surroundings)
Gorgeous & Simply The BEST! 🔥🔥🔥All Natural Ebony 🔥🔥 Outcall spcls 🔥🔥★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ - 19
(Madison, Madison Area)
.. °.. .FiLiPPiNA DreaM. ..° .. . _________ *NEW* Beauty.&.TALENT *NOW* 80 $pcL$ - 21
(Madison, East Towne & Surrounding incall)
GeT TrEaTeD LiKe ThE KiNg U ArE.. RoYaL TrEaTmEnT **** CaLL For Special rates ALL DAY!! ******* - 28
(Madison, west madison)
electrifying captivating gorgeous woman
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, hotel room)