Mon 27 Jan
**LAYLA** Specials today ONLY! Madison's HIGHLY Reviewed & #1 Provider Guaranteed!! - 23
(Madison, Sun Prairie (IN) Madison (OUT))
:¦:L O O K :¦: *NEW §ExY * IN TOWN * :¦:L O O K :¦: - 24
(Madison, :¦:Specials :¦:East Madison :¦:)
Just on a Whimsey Come see Kenzie. She Will Lift You UP Not Let You Down - 29
(Madison, Madison East In/Out)
EvEr¥ Bo¥'s ₩iSh ~*~ EvEr¥ HuSbAnD's SeCReT ~*~ EvEr¥ MAN's FANtAs¥~*~ - 35
(Madison, Outs ONLY, Dells Area, Madison Area)
$50 Specials))) "Blasting AC"------ Freaky Redd (full figured) FEEL MY NASTY GRIND!! 608) 609-4661 - 25
(Madison, MADISON (608) 609-4661 incall & out)
Sun 12 Jan
♥♥♥ Beautiful, Classy, Petite Brunette ;) Madison East Incall. New pic!♥♥♥ - 25
(Madison, Madison East incall)
be back wed._______ *+.pHiLipPinE's SWeeT THiNg.+* ___________ ms.VANiTY is BACK by POPULAR DEMAND - 21
(Madison, back in few days)
👅Come 😘And👄Milk 😜All 👅Over 😘Me👄(In/Out)😜Im 👅VERY 😘Opened-Minded👄and😜Love Backyard Play👅 - 19
(Madison, West Madison/Surrounding Area)
:CremDellaCrem: :Quality: "Unrushed" 100% Real Women Avail Now In/Out AllDay - 22
(Madison& Surrrounding Areas)
Divine Pleasures Fetishes, 2girlz, Bondage & discipline 414*552*1953 - 25
(Madison, madison west middleton,eastside)
[DROP] ___ •★• ___ [DEAD] ___ •★• ___ [GORGEOUS] ___ •★ - ALWAYS UP & TRAVEL - 19
09/05 New Girl ★ The most relaxation massage ★ 608-628-0645 ★ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
Sat 11 Jan
(Specials!!)✨🌴 🌴🌴🍍 2 GIRLS★• P E T I T E-n-S W E E T •★• B R U N E T T E🍍 🌴🌴 🌴🌴✨✨🍍🍍🌴🌴✨✨ - 23
♥--- S U G A R ___ B A B Y ---♥ NEW PIC's MMMMMM - 21
FINALLY 18 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) L•O•O•K• • •▶100% REAL Pics!! (( ♥ ♥AVAiLABLE NOW♥ ♥ )) Special's... - 18
((((( ExXxtremely Upscale *~* NEW 2 MADISON ~*~ Lyana Is Not Only Tempting She's Mind Blowing ))))) - 21
New number!! New pics!!♥Mia♥ Beautiful Classy Petite Latina - 30
(Madison, madison surrounding area)
💋Available in/out❤early bird specials ❤New sexy❤ BBW💕 💋💋 - 21
(Madison, madison, wi dells and surrounding)
🌷PLEASURE- ---- YUMMY 👅💦 SNOW BUNNY 👯262-385-0266 C💋M PLA💄 - 26
(Madison, west,middleton incall 🌟🌟🌟🌟star suite)
I FinaLLy ArriveD. . . THE BEST. . . 100% ReaL PicS.... 100%GFE.... SpeciaLS AvailabLE - 21
🎉🎊Happy New Year🎁2Girl NeW🙊 Morning Specials 🍌FLεX¡BLε Mixed BeaUty🐝🍯 Tight♛The PERfECt💋TREAT💋👯 ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ💦🐱❤ - 19
(Madison, Downtown MADISON incall)
~HONEY SO SWEET~$60 Early Bird and Late Night Specials - 20
(Madison, Madison and surrounding IN AND OUT CALLS)
♤♤♤ High Class Quility Sophisticated Fun ♤♤♤ - 25
(Eau Claire, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Out calls surrounding areas madison)
$80 Special! Read my reviews on my website....your fellow hobbists speak truth! Call NOW! 6082067499 - 23
(East Madison)